Home RESEARCH Understanding and Managing Regulatory Risk in 2024

Understanding and Managing Regulatory Risk in 2024

Join us as Ipsos explores which regulatory issues citizens most expect companies to act on and shares strategies for evaluating both known and emerging regulatory risks.

Ipsos data shows that citizens look to business, more than government, to drive positive progress and societal change.

But what are their expectations exactly?

Do Americans think businesses are generally well regulated?

Where do they want to see companies focus in the year ahead?

Where do they feel government intervention is most needed? 

Designed to answer these questions and more, Ipsos has launched its latest edition of Ipsos Global Reputation Monitor – a study with nearly 20,000 respondents in 27 countries – that explores trends in trust and reputation in business over time. The latest release of the study explores which regulatory risks citizens expect business to address and how those expectations vary across key industries. The Ipsos Corporate Reputation team takes these insights one step further, exploring what specific issues across key risk areas like “competition and anti-trust regulation” and “political and governmental influence” stakeholder groups like policymakers, investors, and consumers want to see corporates prioritize.

Join Ipsos Corporate Reputation Chief Research Officer Trent Ross, Ipsos U.S. Head of Corporate Reputation Jason McGrath, and Vice President of Ipsos U.S. Public Affairs Mallory Newall as they share these findings and offer practical guidance for companies looking to proactively map and manage regulatory risk heading into a U.S. presidential election year.

Here’s what you can expect to learn more about:

  • Which regulatory risks and issues citizens most want companies to address
  • How those demands shift by sector 
  • Steps companies can take to understand their performance on key risk areas and the specific issues that drive them 
  • How to build a toolkit for diagnosing and proactively managing regulatory risk leading into 2024

This presentation will be relevant to professionals in communications and marketing, public and government affairs, as well as policy makers and influencers, advocacy groups, and academics. 

Register today. Registering will also ensure you receive a direct link to the recording once published, and notification of future events or Ipsos thought leadership on this topic. 


Speakers :

  • Trent Ross, Chief Research Officer, Ipsos Corporate Reputation 
  • Jason McGrath, Executive Vice President and US Head, Ipsos Corporate Reputation 
  • Mallory Newall, Vice President, US, Public Affairs


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