Home LEADERSHIP The Personality Test Of Excellence; 5 Factor Model

The Personality Test Of Excellence; 5 Factor Model

According to 5 Factor Personality Traits, you can get to know yourself in detail, find the right direction on your career path, take confident steps and improve your quality of life.

As a result of their research, scientists have studied and grouped together the personality traits that give lasting success in life (ability to overcome stress, level of happiness, communication skills, capacity for personal development and level of socialization).

“Discover Your Unique Traits: Unlock Your Potential.”

They found that people with strong personality traits are the ones who have real success in all areas of life.

These studies, supported by clinical studies, are now all over the world;
 In the recruitment of people from all occupational levels,
 In the career planning of people in business life
 In the field of psychological counseling,
 It has started to be used in many areas such as creating employee needs analysis.

“Insight into You: Uncover the Layers of Personality.”

Here is now a meaningful way for you to reach the top in your career.
we offer support… And you can get to know yourself in detail with the world-famous personality test.

According to 5 Factor Personality Traits, you can get to know yourself in detail, find the right direction on your career path, take confident steps and improve your quality of life.

What is Personality?

“Your Personality Blueprint: Decode Your Success.”

Personality is defined as an individual’s unique and consistent thoughts, feelings and behaviors.

Personality traits are elements that define people’s reactions to certain situations and determine interpersonal differences.

After subtracting temporary mood states, social evaluations and evaluations of physical conditions, Allport defined personality traits as 4,500 words have been defined in relation to personality.

  • According to Cattell, 16 traits are sufficient to define personality, these having different levels of traits can lead to interpersonal differences. reveals.
  • Eysenck classifies personality in three basic characteristics; extroversion, emotional balance and psychoticism.
  • Despite the work of Cattel and Eysenck, personal differences there is a consensus that it can be explained by five basic characteristics developed.

The terms used for these five core traits are:

“The Power of Understanding: Shape Your Future Today.”

Extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness (conscientiousness), emotional stability (neuroticism) and openness to new experiences.

Costa and Mc Crae (1985) to measure personality traits developed by the NEO Five Factor Personality Inventory, a total of 60 consists of items.

There are many valid personality questionnaires developed to measure personality traits. Inventory either measures the five factor dimensions, or the five factor dimensions at a high level.

At the end of the researches, it was found that the personality test model can also be applied on employees with these groups and these practices are also generally related to employees’ level of job success and effective and efficient results regarding individual behavior patterns was observed to have been reached.

The main reason why the 5 Factor Model has been so widely accepted among the personality trait models developed to date is that it has been scientifically proven to be valid and reliable in defining human personality.

Each dimension in the 5-factor personality model consists of two opposite poles consists of.

According to this model,

  1. Extraversion <—> Introversion,
  2. Responsibility <—> Impulsivity,
  3. Compatibility <—> Dissonance,
  4. Emotional Balance <—> Neuroticism and
  5. Openness to New Experiences <—> Traditionalism.

Each of these 5 main personality traits consists of 6 sub-detail elements; Thus, a total of 30 sub-detailed personality traits are analyzed.


Neuroticism, a personality trait marked by feelings of sadness, moodiness, and emotional volatility, manifests as mood swings, anxiety, irritability, and periods of sadness in individuals with high scores.

Conversely, those with lower neuroticism scores typically exhibit greater emotional stability and resilience.


Openness, also known as openness to experience, highlights a penchant for imagination and insight among the five personality traits. Individuals scoring high in openness boast a diverse array of interests, driven by a curiosity about the world and its inhabitants.

They eagerly embrace novelty, readily absorbing new knowledge and relishing fresh experiences. These individuals often display a streak of adventure and creativity.

Conversely, those low in openness typically exhibit a preference for tradition and may encounter challenges with abstract thinking.


Conscientiousness stands out among the personality traits for its emphasis on thoughtfulness, impulse control, and purposeful actions.

Individuals high in conscientiousness are characterized by their meticulousness and attention to detail. They exhibit strong organizational skills, forward-thinking behavior, and a consideration for how their actions impact others.

Conversely, individuals with lower scores in conscientiousness may display a lack of structure and organization, occasionally procrastinating and missing deadlines.


Extraversion, a key personality trait, encompasses traits such as enthusiasm, sociability, verbal fluency, assertiveness, and expressive emotions. Individuals scoring high in extraversion thrive in social environments, drawing energy and excitement from interactions with others.

Conversely, those who are introverted or low in extraversion exhibit more reserved tendencies. They may find social gatherings draining and prefer solitude to recharge their energy levels.


Agreeableness encompasses qualities like trust, altruism, kindness, affection, and other behaviors that promote harmony and cooperation.

Individuals scoring high in agreeableness typically exhibit a cooperative nature, while those scoring lower may lean towards competitiveness and occasionally display manipulative tendencies.

GIFT: 5 Test Rapor And Online Zoom Webinar ($250)


My Big Five Test Report
– A 12-page custom PDF report to discover your unique personality traits.
– Learn how your personality impacts your career, relationships, and direction in life
– Discover what drives your decisions and motivations
– Explore your strengths and blindspots

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