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HomeLEADERSHIPShould Managers Use Humor?

Should Managers Use Humor?

“Humor can serve to facilitate trust, ease tension and establish a sense of group cohesion,” says Anthony Pescosolido, a management and organizational behavior professor at the University of New Hampshire.

Humor can be a valuable tool in the hands of managers and leaders. It can promote a positive work environment, boost employee morale, and improve communication.

”According to research by a United States-based life coaching company, humor can be a powerful and beneficial force when used correctly in the workplace.” – Deloitte (1)

“Humor can serve to facilitate trust, ease tension and establish a sense of group cohesion,” says Anthony Pescosolido, a management and organizational behavior professor at the University of New Hampshire. In his research, he found that effective humor provides a sense of “psychological safety” that helps manage emotions and makes group members more willing to accept challenging goals. (2)

The most accepted model for humor styles in the literature is Psychologist Rod Martin (2003). In the model, participatory humor and self-enhancing humor styles are positive humor styles; Aggressive humor and self-destructive humor styles are classified as negative humor styles.

Source: Humor at work: a study about the relationship between humor styles, satisfaction with management and individual job performance (3)

Affiliative humor, determined by combining the dimensions of positive and interpersonal styles, is found in individuals who tend to amuse others by telling jokes and funny stories and engaging in spontaneous play, in order to facilitate relations and reduce interpersonal tensions.

Self-promoting humor, in turn, comes from the combination of the dimensions of positive and intrapsychic styles, and involves individuals with a humorous outlook on life who tend to have fun even in the face of adversity. It is a defense mechanism avoiding negative emotions such as stress.

The combination of negative and interpersonal style dimensions gives rise to aggressive humor, which is related to the use of sarcasm, irony and teasing without considering the potential negative impact on others, in addition to the compulsive use of humorous expressions to manipulate people through acts of offending, belittling or ridiculing.

Finally, self-deprecating humor is determined by combining the dimensions of negative and intrapsychic styles and, involves those individuals who tend to amuse others at their expense, make people laugh at their own weaknesses and even ridicule themselves, in order to get approval from other people. Although individuals with this style are seen as entertaining, there is an element of emotional neediness and low self-esteem in them that justifies the use of humor as a way of hiding negative feelings. (3)

Use of Humor Styles in a Management Context

1 – Affiliative Humor

Affiliative humor involves using humor to strengthen relationships, create a sense of camaraderie, and build rapport among team members.

Application for Managers:

Managers can use affiliative humor to foster a friendly and inclusive work culture. This humor style helps in team building and creating a comfortable atmosphere. It can be particularly helpful in team meetings, icebreakers, and team-building activities.

  • “I appreciate the great teamwork this week, even if it felt like we were herding cats at times!”
  • “Let’s keep the positive vibes going by supporting each other and sharing a laugh.”

2 – Self-Enhancing Humor

Self-enhancing humor, also known as self-deprecating humor, involves the ability to laugh at oneself, find humor in challenging situations, and maintain a positive perspective.

Application for Managers:

Managers who use self-enhancing humor show vulnerability and relatability to their team members. This can humanize leaders, making them more approachable. It also sets a tone for resilience and adaptability in the face of challenges, which can be motivating for employees.

  • “Well, I may not be the tech guru here, but I’m learning something new every day!”
  • “You won’t believe the blunder I made in that meeting, but hey, we all have our moments, right?”

3 – Aggressive Humor

Aggressive humor involves sarcasm, teasing, and humor that may be at the expense of others. While it can be entertaining, it can also potentially hurt or offend.

Application for Managers:

The use of aggressive humor in a managerial role should be approached with caution. While some light teasing can create a relaxed atmosphere, excessive use or humor that targets individuals can damage relationships and team morale. Managers should avoid this style unless they are sure it will be well-received by the team.

  • “Okay, folks, let’s not start a paper airplane competition during this meeting, but we do need to keep things lively!”
  • “I promise I won’t hand out participation trophies for just showing up, but let’s aim to be winners every day.”

4 – Self-Defeating Humor

Self-defeating humor is characterized by making oneself the butt of the joke to gain the approval of others. It may involve downplaying one’s own abilities or achievements.

Application for Managers:

While self-deprecating humor can be endearing and make a manager more relatable, self-defeating humor should be used in moderation. Managers should not undermine their credibility or the team’s confidence in their leadership.

  • “I guess I’m the least organized person in the office, but that’s why I rely on you all to keep me in line!”
  • “When it comes to finding my own keys, I’ve given up. I need a team effort to locate them.”


The humor style used by managers in communicating with their employees affects the Morale and Emotional Structure of the employees.

Therefore, managers need to use humorous elements carefully when communicating with employees.

And he must be aware of the negative attitude that the employee has developed towards the workplace.

It is important for managers to use humor in the workplace, taking into account the Personality Characteristics of the employees they are in contact with and the Culture they belong to.

Managers who use humor effectively can create a positive and engaging workplace, improving communication and team dynamics. However, it’s crucial to balance humor with professionalism and sensitivity to the needs and preferences of the team.

It’s important for managers to be mindful of the context and the preferences of their team members when using humor. A style of humor that works in one situation may not be suitable in another. Additionally, humor should always be respectful and not come at the expense of anyone’s feelings or dignity.

It’s crucial to be mindful of your team members’ comfort with humor styles and to use it to build a positive and inclusive work culture.

Remember that the key to using humor as a manager is to maintain a balance that aligns with your team’s preferences and the professional environment.

Learn Your Style of Humor

And Psychologist Rod Martin and his colleagues have studied these types of humor and have developed the Humor Styles Questionnaire, which measures these four humor styles.



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