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Leadership and Research Event Brings Global Talents and Positive Impact Together in Collaboration with Ipsos Turkey

In our global talents and positive impact project, they experience teamwork, which is the most important competence of the artificial intelligence era. They produce meaningful content for the business world using artificial intelligence tools. This week, the world's leading research company Ipsos, under the leadership of leadership and research, talked to the teams working on the project about the importance of research and the value of research for companies and how Ipsos presents this process with progressive systems...

Global Talents and Global Impact Join the Excitement of Creating Global Impact…

Students from different universities come together to learn the most important business skills of the new age, teamwork and leadership experience program…

With this program, university students use artificial intelligence tools to provide leadership insights to the global business world…

Be part of the next generation of leaders driving global innovation!

The program, led by ARDA ÖZKAN, Senior Customer Management Director of Ipsos Turkey, explained with examples how research adds value to companies in the business world…

Arda Özkan demonstrated to students his passion for using data-driven insights to guide strategic decision making…

By combining his expertise in various sectors with his global experience, Arda Özkan was able to provide students with a unique and insightful perspective on strategy and insights…

Here are the topics covered in the program…

What does research mean for companies?
How is the structure of research changing with artificial intelligence?
How are companies integrating artificial intelligence…

And much more took place at this event…

Particularly, Arda Özkan’s processes of integrating technology into research processes at Ipsos and using this according to customer needs were quite interesting for the participants in terms of seeing examples of companies’ development…

Our Editor-in-Chief, Matthew Mustafa Gul, who joined the program from New York, USA, explained the importance of research for companies in management consultancy processes in light of his Harvard Business School experiences and work references, and explained the importance of research with the following example:

In a research article published in the Harvard Business Review years ago, author John Seely Brown stated: ”The most important invention that will come out of the corporate research lab in the future will be the corporation itself. As companies try to keep pace with rapid changes in technology and cope with increasingly unstable business environments, the research department has to do more than simply innovate new products. It must design the new technological and organizational architectures that make possible a continuously innovating company. Put another way, corporate research must reinvent innovation…” Today, companies are living the reality of this saying, and strategic decisions that are not based on research do not make sense in a competitive and chaotic environment. There is a saying that is used very often in the global business world, especially at the CEO level: Measure Two, Cut One. This quote, one of the most important leadership principles of the famous management guru Stephen Covey, also meant the same thing to me during my many years working as a lecturer and therapist in the healthcare industry: Diagnosis Comes Before Treatment…


Today, it is very important for companies and C-level strategic decision makers to integrate research into their strategies correctly and quickly. In this sense, Ipsos, a global research company, produces the most useful research results with its excellence in research and use of technology…When I was asked to do a project for more than 1000 public transportation sector employees to ensure customer satisfaction in the pre-COVID period, my first job was to start by preparing open-ended questions for nearly 300 employees to get the current situation analysis from the field. Again, when a provincial municipality in Istanbul wanted to correctly identify the needs of each employee and make a correct career plan, I structured the study using global assessment and clinical assessment tools. In our Global Strategy Tools program, which we are currently providing in Turkey, we are presenting the most important strategic move for C-levels to include research at every level of the company and how they can do this at the company level.



What is the importance of artificial intelligence for companies?

In the Artificial Intelligence applications section, Arda Özkan talked about how they implemented the unique combination of Human Intelligence (HI) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) to advance innovation and deliver effective, human-centric insights to customers.
HI, the expertise in prompt engineering, data science and unique, high-quality Ipsos datasets blended with creativity, curiosity, ethics and rigor, and we had the chance to watch live the implementations integrated with AI solutions powered by the Ipsos Facto Gen AI platform. The approaches that customers take advantage of, safer, faster and human contextual insights were mind-opening and educational for our students.



Some examples of applications include:

  • How to go beyond surveys and bring segments to life with Persona Bots
  • How AI-Powered Workshops work and their benefits
  • An AI platform for innovation discovery with InnoExplorer
  • How to turn large data sets into actionable insights in less than 60 seconds with Ipsos Signals Gen AI

And much more…

And in research led by Arda Özkan, the use of ChatGPT, today’s most popular artificial intelligence tool, was explained in practice…

Arda Özkan’s practical presentation explained how the global research company Ipsos structured this system.

The students were shown practical examples of how to use artificial intelligence tools for the global companies they were working on, and the students prepared their own studies…



Our students who participated in the program and completed the research application received a certificate full of great experience to add to their CVs…

Here is a brief summary of students’ research work using ChatGPT….

ChatGPT – SEVDE KOSE; Middle East Technical University, Industrial Engineering

 What is the target audience for OpenAI’s DALL-E 3 and GPT-4 products?

DALL-E 3: OpenAI’s AI model that generates images from text descriptions and produces creative and realistic visuals.

GPT-4: An advanced language model from OpenAI that can generate text, answer questions, and perform various language tasks.

 What is the target audience for these two products? Provide a detailed analysis of the target audience.

1) Creative Professionals

Artists and Designers: DALL-E 3 is ideal for visual artists, graphic designers, and illustrators who need to quickly produce creative visuals or concepts based on textual descriptions.

Writers and Content Creators: GPT-4 assists in content creation, helping writers, bloggers, and journalists produce articles, stories, and ideas, making it a valuable tool for the creative process. 2. Developers and Technology Professionals

Application and Software Developers: Both DALL-E 3 and GPT-4 can be integrated into applications and enhanced with AI-powered content generation, such as image generation or natural language processing.

AI Researchers: These models are valuable to those working in AI research and development, providing advanced tools to experiment and expand the capabilities of AI.

2) Businesses and Startups
3) Educators and Students
4) The General Public
5) Medya ve Eğlence

 Create key audience personas based on target audience.

1) Sarah, Digital Artist

Occupation: Freelance Digital Artist

Age: 25

Goals: Produce unique and creative visuals quickly.

Pain Points: Time constraints, creative block.

How She Uses the Product: Uses DALL-E 3 for concept art and visual brainstorming.

2) Mark, Content Creator
3) Emily, Marketing Manager
4) Alex, AI Developer
5) Rachel, High School Teacher
6) Jake, College Student

 New Product Concept: OpenAI InsightGen
InsightGen is an AI-powered platform designed specifically for college students and early career professionals in creative and technical fields. It combines advanced text and image generation with specialized tools to enhance learning, project development, and career growth. The platform offers:

Interactive Learning Assistant:

Creative Project Builder:

Career Development Center:

Collaboration Tools:

NYX – DAMLA TÜRKMENOĞLU; Marmara University, Journalism

Two Important Products of the Company I Want to Work On

Blush: NYX’s blushes, known for their wide range of colors and various formula options.

Concealer: NYX concealers, which are successful in hiding skin imperfections, are one of the brand’s popular products.

  1. Target Audience of the Products


Age Group: Young and young adults between the ages of 16-35.

Gender: Women, those interested in makeup products.

Income Group: Middle-income and above, individuals willing to invest in makeup products.

Interests: Makeup, beauty trends, personal care.


  1. Personas on Target Audiences

Persona 1: Young Makeup Enthusiast

Name: Elif

Age: 23

Occupation: University Student

Interests: Fashion, social media, beauty trends.

Needs: Innovative and trendy products, affordable and quality makeup products.

Purchasing Behavior: Seeks product reviews and recommendations on social media, prefers to test in-store.

Persona 2: Professional Makeup Artist

  1. New Product Concept and Sales Strategy

Product Concept:

Product: NYX Personalized Foundation Machine

Description: This machine, available in NYX stores, precisely analyzes the customer’s skin tone and produces the appropriate foundation in minutes. The machine has an interactive interface with the customer, offering personalized formulations according to skin type, undertones and preferred coverage level.


High-resolution sensors for skin analysis.
Instant skin tone and type report.
Fast formulation and production process.
User-friendly interface and color options.
Environmentally friendly and sustainable materials.

Sales Strategy:

Store Content: NYX stores where the machine will be placed, store design and positioning will be optimized to improve customer experience.

Promotion and Marketing: Attracting the target audience with social media campaigns, influencer collaborations and video content introducing the machine. Organizing events at the product launch.

Customer Experience: Offering the first experience using the machine in stores for free or at a discount. Providing personalized product recommendations and trial opportunities.

Product Pricing: Determining a reasonable fee according to the use of the machine. Adopting a premium pricing strategy to emphasize high-quality results.

Loyalty Programs: Offering special discounts and loyalty programs to customers who use the machine.

With this project, NYX will both increase customer satisfaction and strengthen brand value by offering customers a unique and personalized makeup experience.

TESLA – ALI MURAT GULTEKIN; Sabanci University, Computer Engineering

Tesla, Inc.

Product 1: Model 3
o Target Audience: Environmentally conscious individuals, tech enthusiasts, and those looking for a stylish and modern vehicle with advanced technology.

o Personality:
 Name: Emily Davis
 Age: 32
 Profession: Software Developer
 Technology Habits: Prefers environmentally friendly solutions, enjoys new technology, values ​​autonomous driving features, and is interested in sustainable living.

o New Product Concept: Tesla Model 3 Urban Edition – A compact, city-friendly version of the Model 3 with advanced parking assistance, urban driving modes, and a focus on efficiency in urban environments.

Product 2: Tesla Powerwall

TRENDYOL – MELISHAN KOBAL; Karabuk University, Computer Engineering

Company: Trendyol

Top 2 Products/Services:

Trendyol Express: Trendyol’s logistics network, Trendyol Express, improves the e-commerce experience by offering fast and reliable delivery services. It operates to provide faster product delivery to customers and provide logistics support to sellers.

Trendyol Go: Trendyol Go is a platform that offers fast delivery service for food and grocery shopping. It aims to deliver customers’ grocery and restaurant orders to their doors as soon as possible.

  1. What is the Target Audience of These Products?

Trendyol Express:

Target Audience:

Consumers with a busy life pace and time constraints.

E-commerce customers looking for reliable and fast delivery service.

E-commerce sellers who want to deliver their products to their customers quickly.

Trendyol Go:

Target Audience:

  1. Create Personas on These Audiences

Trendyol Express:

Persona 1:

Name: Merve

Age: 28

Occupation: Digital Marketing Specialist

Interests: Online Shopping, Fast Delivery, E-commerce

Need: Receiving orders as quickly as possible due to intense work tempo.

Persona 2:

Trendyol Go:

Persona 1:

Persona 2:

  1. Develop a New Product for This Audience and Create Its Concept/Sales Strategy

New Product: Trendyol Health


Trendyol Health,

Sales Strategy:

NIKE – ABDULSAMET DURDU; Yıldırım Beyazıt University, Political Science and Public Administration

INPUT: I want to write a project for Nike. The company is a sports company that sells sports products. My target audience includes amateur sports enthusiasts, those who want to exercise at home, and white-collar workers. Can you create personas for my target audience?

The company is located in Istanbul. My project involves creating a sports and diet program with online tracking.


Emre Yıldırım – Amateur Athlete

Age: 28

Occupation: Marketing Specialist

Location: Istanbul, Turkey

Background: Emre is passionate about sports, especially running and soccer. He played sports during his college years and continues to participate in local amateur leagues. He is competitive and always looks for ways to improve his performance.

o Improve his athletic performance.

o Track his training and diet progress.

o Participate in local marathons and sports events.

o Balance work and training time.

o Stay motivated during the off-season. Motivations:
o See measurable progress in fitness levels.

o Compete and perform well in local sports events.

  1. Can Demir – White Collar Worker
  2. Elif and Mehmet Koç – Health Conscious Parents
  3. Eren Yılmaz – Motivated Young

This app will add dynamism to your daily life. You can exercise whenever and wherever you want and have access to professional trainers and diet coaches.

With our app, you can achieve a healthier and more dynamic lifestyle. And the best part is, you don’t need any sports equipment or a permanent gym membership. You can work on personalized exercises with personalized trainers wherever you are. – LET’S GET ACTIVE!

LEGO – YELIZ COBAN; Hacettepe University, Economics

Hello. I am working on Lego Mindstorms, an important product of Lego Company. My target audience is children and young people (10-16), families and educational institutions. Can you create personas for me based on the target audience? Let it be a global research. Don’t forget to mention the living standards and economic structure of the country where the personas you determine are located.


Hello Yeliz! In order to conduct a global study on LEGO Mindstorms, I created personas suitable for various target audiences below. Each persona was determined by taking into account the living standards and economic structure of the country they are located in.

Persona 1: Ethan, 14 years old (USA)

Demographics: A high school student living in California, USA. His father is a software engineer and his mother is a university professor. His family is in the upper-middle income group.

Standards of Living and Economic Structure:

The USA is a country with a high standard of living and there is a lot of investment in technology. Families in the upper-middle income group tend to invest in toys that develop their children’s STEM skills.

Technology and education are very popular in California, which supports Ethan’s interest in technology.

Needs and Motivations:

Ethan is a member of the robotics club at school and participates in competitions with LEGO Mindstorms. His goal is to study robotics engineering in college.

He wants to increase his engineering skills by developing various projects with LEGO Mindstorms sets.


He watches robotics projects on YouTube and participates in LEGO forums. He develops projects with his friends.

Persona 2: Sakura, age 12 (Japan)
Persona 3: Ravi, age 13 (India)
Persona 4: Lina, age 11 (Germany)
Persona 5: Sofie, age 15 (Sweden)

These global personas reflect how LEGO Mindstorms adapts to different countries’ living standards and economic structures, and how it can gain traction in various markets. Marketing strategies based on these personasve ürün konumlandırmaları üzerinde çalışabiliriz. Başka bir şey eklemek ister misin?

You said:

Can you add a few more?



Of course, we can add a few more personas to give a broader perspective:

Persona 6: Carlos, 12 years old (Brazil)
Persona 7: Mia, 13 years old (Australia)
Persona 8: Amina, 15 years old (Egypt)
Persona 9: Ella, 10 years old (South Africa)
Persona 10: Jin, 14 years old (South Korea)

LEGO Mindstorms Innovate Kit

  • Programs supporting AI and machine learning
  • Online education platform
  • Sustainable materials
  • Energy efficient sensors and motors
  • Personal and group projects
  • Guidance Guides

BANK OF AMERICA – MELIS AHSEN ARSLAN – Black Sea Tech.University – Finance

ME: I work for Bank of America in the department of environmental and social responsibility, working on environmental financing commitments. One of our company’s key activities is the implementation of smart technologies that detect and prevent leaks in water networks.

Our target audience is municipalities and local governments, recycling and composting facilities, and start-ups developing innovative water technologies.

Can you create a persona for my target audience?

The company is in America, but I need a global study, so I need you to create personas that will appeal to the world.


PERSONA 1: Municipal Decision Maker

Name: Maria Sánchez

Location: Barcelona, ​​Spain

Position: Urban Water Management Director

Age: 45

Background: Maria has over 20 years of experience in urban infrastructure and water management. She has a Bachelor’s degree in civil engineering and a Master’s degree in Environmental Policy. She is responsible for overseeing the city’s water supply and waste management systems.

Challenges: Maria is under pressure to reduce water waste and increase efficiency in the city’s aging water infrastructure. Budget constraints and political pressures add to the challenges.

Goals: Maria aims to implement sustainable and cost-effective water management solutions to meet the city’s environmental goals.

Motivation: She is motivated to ensure her city has a reliable water source, reduce operational costs, and meet sustainability goals.

Technology Familiarity: Intermediate – Open to adopting new technologies but needs clear evidence of their effectiveness and return on investment.

PERSONA 2: Recycling Facility Manager
PERSONA 3: Water Technology Start-up Founder

These personas will help guide your strategy as you communicate with different audience segments around the world.

COCA COLA – SAADET DILAN KARTAL – Erciyes University, Sociology

ME: Hello, I work in the business development and project management department at Coca Cola. Our company has many beverages. I want to develop voice-activated vending machines to make it easier and more accessible. Our target audience is primarily the visually impaired, elderly individuals and all large companies. I want you to create global personas for me that are suitable for my target audience.

Hello! Voice-activated vending machines can provide great convenience and a more accessible experience for your target audience. Here are some examples to help you create global personas (personality profiles) suitable for the visually impaired, elderly individuals, and large companies:

  1. Persona for the Visually Impaired
    Name: Alex
    Age: 30
    Occupation: Computer Programmer
    Location: New York, USA
  • Complete or partial vision loss due to blindness.
  • Familiar with technology and effective use of smartphones and voice assistants.
    Needs and Goals:
  • Accessible and independent shopping experience.
  • Ability to easily select a drink with voice commands.
  • Clear and understandable voice feedback.
  • Lack of accessibility of traditional vending machines.
  • Voice command systems are sometimes complicated.
    Use Case: Alex wants to buy a drink on his own from a voice-activated vending machine. Looking for a system that can easily understand commands and choose the right drinks.

Hello! Voice-activated vending machines can greatly facilitate your target audience and provide a more accessible experience. Here are some examples to help you create global personas (personality profiles) suitable for the visually impaired, elderly individuals, and large companies:

Persona for the Visually Impaired
Name: Alex
Age: 30
Occupation: Computer Programmer
Location: New York, USA

  • Completely or partially blind due to blindness.
  • Familiar with technology and actively using smartphones and voice assistants.
    Needs and Goals:
  • Accessible and independent shopping experience.
  • Easily select a drink with voice commands.
  • Clear and understandable voice feedback.
  • Lack of accessibility of traditional vending machines.
  • Sometimes voice command systems are complicated.
    Use Case: Alex wants to buy a drink on his own from a voice-activated vending machine. Looking for a system that can easily understand commands and select the right drinks.

Persona for Elderly Individuals

Persona for Large Companies

Persona for Young Professionals (Visually Impaired)

Persona for Middle-Aged Users (Elderly Individuals)

Persona for Fast Consumers (Large Company Employees)

Persona for Global Travelers (International Investors)

Persona for Tech Enthusiasts (Young Users)

Persona for Business Administrators (Small Business Owners)

Persona for Educational Institution Administrators (University Managers)

Usage Scenario: Anna wants to provide more accessible beverage options to students and staff using voice-activated vending machines at her university. She wants to support the educational environment with technological solutions.
These personas can help you better understand the needs of various user groups of voice-activated vending machines and develop solutions that suit them. Using this information, you can offer the most suitable features to your target audience.


If you want to take part in the professional development program of the artificial intelligence era, you can join us…

Global Talents and Global Impact Join the Excitement of Creating Global Impact…


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