Home MANAGEMENT Join Oracle’s Virtual Event: CFOs as Growth Leaders

Join Oracle’s Virtual Event: CFOs as Growth Leaders

Join Oracle’s: CFOs and the Art of Business Expansion. Lead Beyond Numbers: Master the Art of Expansion

As a CFO, your role extends beyond financial wizardry

Smart CFOs know that expanding into new products, exploring different regions, and increasing sales teams isn’t all about data and spreadsheets.

Essential soft skills are needed to successfully lead through the unexpected twists and turns that come with business expansion.

The success of a company’s growth plan hinges on the art of effective leadership.

Join us in a discussion with finance expert Kyle Hegarty and explore the art of business expansion through the lens of a CFO, with a focus on essential soft skills needed to succeed.

We’ll cover how to:

  • Articulate a clear CFO vision.
  • Leverage proven behavioral models.
  • Adapt through the various stages of growth.

Click here for register.

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