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HomeRESEARCHGallup: The Strengths, Weaknesses and Blind Spots of Managers

Gallup: The Strengths, Weaknesses and Blind Spots of Managers

New Study Reveals $8.8 Trillion Lost Annually Due to Poor Management and Employee Disengagement

Empowering managers with regular feedback can truly transform team dynamics and boost productivity.

Gallup survey offers leaders an opportunity to see what is happening within the organization…Here are the important details of this research:

A recent Gallup study has uncovered a staggering $8.8 trillion annual loss, equivalent to 9% of global GDP, attributed to poor management and lost productivity from not engaged or actively disengaged employees. This alarming figure underscores the urgent need for organizations to rethink their management practices.

Changing how people are managed is perhaps the easiest way to boost productivity within organizations. Yet, the majority of managers receive little feedback on how effectively they manage their team.

Less than half of U.S. employees (42%) report having the opportunity to formally provide feedback to their manager, and fewer than one in four (24%) have formally rated their manager’s performance.

Managers are not getting much help from their peers either, with only about a third (36%) of managers saying they receive feedback from their peers as part of a formal feedback process.

Many managers admit they have room to grow. Four in 10 acknowledge they have not yet achieved an advanced or expert level of proficiency when it comes to engaging their team or managing performance. While six in 10 managers say they are not advanced or expert at developing employees and helping them create career paths.

To help managers foster highly productive teams, Gallup conducted a study comparing how managers think they are currently leading their team versus how employees say they are being managed.

The study used a nationally representative U.S. sample of 2,729 managers and 12,710 individual contributors. Each group assessed how they are managing their team or how they are being managed based on a list of 20 managerial responsibilities.

Ratings of each managerial behavior were separated into four categories:

  • Strengths — rated highest by both managers and employees.
  • Known Weaknesses — rated lowest by both managers and employees.
  • Blind Spots — managers rated high, but employees rated low.
  • Unrecognized Strengths — employees rated high, but managers rated low.


Where are managers most effective?

Known Weaknesses

Where do managers struggle the most (and know it)?

Blind Spots

Where are managers overconfident?

Top Drivers of Employee Engagement

Which behaviors are most important to engaging employees and enhancing productivity?

Learn more about the strengths, weaknesses and blind spots of managers here.